I've been training for 20+ yrs, and tried almost every preWO on the market. This one is amazing : I dry scoop it (it's not intented to, but it works) first thing in the morning, bc I train 30' later (fasted, always, that's what works best for me). The taste is great, sweet but not too sweet. Dissolution amazing with only the spit in my mouth. My dose is one scoop.
After about 15', the beta-A kicks in and I feel the tingles. There's just the perfect amount, not too intensive, not letting me as if I had to scratch my face.
The stims kick in just a bit later. Focus, a bit of heat, NO JITTER AT ALL, heart rate doesn't go crazy (I'm 46 so I don't want to risk a heart attack).
Training : good mood, good energy, good sweat. I can take this preWO before weights, before zone 2-3 cardio, and even before SIT (sprint interval training), and i feel good everytime !
I don't feel any crash of energy during the day.
Side note : I am prone to aggressiveness (not Mike Israetel !😎), but this preWO never sets me into a rage state !
I highly recommend it ! !