HTLT products are great. They are not magic pills but they definitely help me push harder and get stronger then last time.
I took steroids off and on through my 20s and got clean from drugs and alcohol 7 years ago, and after blowing up to over 300 lbs in early recovery, I got into my health to save my life.. I've tried a lot of natural supplements in that time, over the last 4 years I've trained, supped, dieted, have now competed, and now train, consult and coach others, and I always endorse your products. As someone who has taken steroids I IMMEDIATELY noticed the "edge" on day one of the Turk. And as I was feeling a little lackluster about my cardio, while cutting caffeine and sugar over the winter I started GO2 max and was blown away. First day my heart rate was 10 beats lower at the same level of difficulty. It's allowed me to push past all of my plateaus and actually get into and enjoy doing cardio.. it's been a long process of growth and hard work, but I love your videos, your products and your passion for this stuff and desire to share it with the world, which I identify with and hope to do myself someday. So thank you again Greg, I'll keep trying these things out, and watching the videos. God bless!
Been using this stuff for BJJ, I have more endurance and can roll more often. My recovery is so good that I can train everyday without having to be sore AF. I'm going to continue to use these products and hopefully I can win some Jiu-Jitsu tournaments in the future.
Tried the T Plug Stack and it does make a noticeable difference in the gym. I find the GO2 Max gives me far more endurance in my workouts and the Turk feels like preworkout but better. After the 1st week in I ordered another bottle of Turk so I dont run out. 3 weeks in now and very satisfied. Thank you, Greg!